Software Development Methods and Tools—CSCI-3308

Assignment 3—SQL

Due date

March 16, 2017 at 6:00 pm



Download the file for this assignment and submit a .sql file answering the following questions.

Database setup

  1. Go to the directory where you downloaded the HW3-populate.sql file.
  2. Log in to mysql (Hint: you may need to start mysqld).
  3. Create the database and run the download SQL script.

     show databases;
     create database HW3;
     show databases;
     use HW3;
     show tables;
     source HW3-populate.sql;
     show tables;


Create a plain text file named Firstname_Lastname_HW3.sql with your SQL statement answers for the following as a working .sql file. Test your script with source Firstname_Lastname_HW3.sql.

  1. List all state names and their two-letter codes.
  2. Write a query to report the information for all counties whose names start with “Prince”. (Hint: Use like). Output columns:

    • name
    • statecode
    • populate_1950
    • population_2010

    Order by state code.

  3. Write a single query to list only the population in year 2010 for the state represented by Sen. Richard Lugar. Output column: populate_2010
  4. Write a single query to report only the total number of the counties in ‘Maryland’. The query should not hard-code the state code for Maryland (join the two tables in the WHERE clause)
  5. Write a single query to find the name of the state that was admitted last into the union. Hint: Use nested subquery.
  6. Find all democratic (i.e., with affiliation = ‘D’) senators that are not chairman of any committee or sub-committee. Output columns: name Order by name.


To receive credit for this assignment:

Submit a SQL file named Firstname_Lastname_HW3.sql

Assignment material by Liz Boese.