Software Development Methods and Tools—CSCI-3308

Assignment 2—Progress tracking comparison

Due date

February 23, 2017 at 6:00 pm



The goal of this assignment is for you to discover the variety of progress tracking systems that are available to support software development process models and to understand how to choose among them for use in a project.


  1. Using whatever books or websites you like, research alternative progress tracking tool options.

    Study the variations in the aspects of project tracking they support, which process model they are most suited for, and their relative usability.

  2. Choose one (other than Gantt Charts) to focus on for this assignment.
  3. Compare and contrast your chosen system with Gantt Charts, in a short essay (one page, 1.5 spaced, 12 point font).


To receive credit for this assignment:

Submit no more than one page PDF file named Firstname_Lastname_HW2.pdf

Assignment material by Liz Boese.